1JZ-GTE Connectors

JZ connectors for A70 supra wiring


ECU pinouts is what you’re looking for?

You can check them out in this article

Thanks to the original owners of the documents.

  • EA2
  • IG1 to 89+
  • IH1 to 89+
  • IH2 to 89+
  • IG1 88-
  • IH1 to 88-
  • IH2 to 88-

JZA70 EA2 Connector with Supra MA71 alternator and C1

IG1 to Supra 89+ with B2 and B3 connectors

IH1 to Supra 89+ B1 and B3 connectors

IH2 to Supra 89+ with B2 and B3 connectors

IG1 to Supra 88- with M1 connector

IH1 to Supra 88- with L1, B1, B3 connectors

IH2 to Supra 88- with B1 and B3 connectors

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